Terri Harrelson Barnette, 54, of Lexington died June 3, 2018. Barr-Price Funeral Home was in charge.
Eldon Jennings Boyce Sr., 86, of West Columbia died May 28, 3018. Thompson funeral Home was in charge.
Francis Joseph Boulware, 67, of West Columbia died May 31, 2018. Thompson Funeral Home was in charge.
Joyce Hutto Drafts, 65, of Lees-ville died May 31, 2018. Barr=Price Funeral Home was in charge.
Scott “Scottie” E. Gantt, 34, of Gaston died May 31, 2018. Caughman-HarmanFuneral Home was in charge.
Ronnie Gleaton, 52, of West Columbia die June 3, 2018. Woodridge Funeral Home was in charge.
Judy Chavis Hall, 71, of Cayce died May 28, 2018. Caughman-Harman Funeral Home was in charge.
Preddie Dibble Johnson, 71, of Gaston died May 26, 2018. W.B. Crumel Funeral Home was in charge.
Wade Lann, Sr, of West Columbia has died. Leevy’s Funeral Home was in charge.
Jacqueline “Jackie” Able Pop-pell, 90, of West Columbia died May 29, 2018.
Joyce Elizabeth Register Laird, 82, of Cayce died May 31, 2018. Moseley Funeral Service was in charge.
Loretta “Patsy” Lybrand, 78, of Lexington has died. Barr-Price Funeral Home was in charge.
Marion Eugene Neese, 91, of Swansea died June 3, 2018. Culler-McAlhany Funeral Home was in charge.
Mary E. West, of West Columbia, has died. Myers Mortuary was in charge.
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