Dylann Roof loses appeal

Judges rule he was competent to stand trial for 9 murders

Posted 9/2/21

A US Court of Appeals has upheld Dylann Roof’s conviction and death sentence.

The White Knoll High dropout was convicted of the 2015 murders of 9 members of a Charleston church congregation.

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Dylann Roof loses appeal

Judges rule he was competent to stand trial for 9 murders


A US Court of Appeals has upheld Dylann Roof’s conviction and death sentence.

The White Knoll High dropout was convicted of the 2015 murders of 9 members of a Charleston church congregation.

3 judges of the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond rejected arguments that the young white man should have been ruled incompetent to stand trial in the shootings at Mother Emanuel AME Church.

They said the legal record cannot even capture the “full horror” of what he did.

In 2017, Roof became the 1st in the US sentenced to death for a federal hate crime.

Authorities have said Roof, 21 at the time, opened fire during the closing prayer of a Bible study at the church, firing dozens of bullets.

In his appeal, Roof’s attorneys argued he was wrongly allowed to represent himself during sentencing, a critical phase of his trial.

Roof successfully prevented jurors from hearing evidence about his mental health.

Roof was “under the delu-sion,” his attorneys argued, that “he would be rescued from prison by white-nationalists — but only, bizarrely, if he kept his mental-impairments out of the public record.”

The 4th Circuit found that the trial judge did not commit an error when he found Roof was competent to stand trial and issued a scathing rebuke of Roof’s crimes.

“He did so with the express intent of terrorizing not just his immediate victims at the historically important Mother Emanuel Church, but as many similar people as would hear of the mass murder,” the judge’s wrote.


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