At the latest Lexington two school board meeting, students were recognized for their achievements and schools with underperforming ratings presented their turnaround plans.
Three schools in …
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At the latest Lexington two school board meeting, students were recognized for their achievements and schools with underperforming ratings presented their turnaround plans.
Three schools in Lexington Two, Airport High School, Brookland Cayce High School and Wood Elementary School received an overall below-average rating, while one school, Cayce Elementary School received an unsatisfactory rating.
These schools must report progress to the board in March, June, September and December.
Cayce Elementary’s goal is to improve understanding among staff, parents and stakeholders about how school report card ratings are calculated, as well as to target specific areas for growth. The school has already created a report card presentation for parents to help understand their students’ grade.
The school has specific goals to raise academic achievement to 10.09 points, progress for multilingual learners to 9.60 and a school climate to 8.45. Additionally, Cayce Elementary plans to double the achievement rate for students receiving special education services from 8.5% to 17% by providing targeted instructional support, data-driven interventions and by assessing the current delivery model.
Special education coaches are also creating educational games to help parents support learning at home.
Wood Elementary has set three goals. Like Cayce Elementary, Wood Elementary plans to help families and staff understand how school report cards are rated and how to analyze them effectively through presentations.
The school aims to increase the percentage of multilingual students reaching proficiency by 23% and to improve the proficiency rate for special education students on SC Ready by 5%. These goals will be achieved through instructional support, data-driven interventions and refining delivery methods.
Airport High School aims to increase academic achievement among its three lowest performing subgroups by 5%. By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the school plans to boost the percentage of students earning a C or better on End of Course exams in algebra one, biology two, English two and U.S. history. Additionally, the school aims to increase its college and career readiness rate from 45.6% to 51.6% and increase graduation rate from 75.6% to 80.6%.
Brookland Cayce High School aims to increase the percentage of students with disabilities earning a grade of C or better on the end of course assessments by 7% through targeted instructional support and coaching interventions. By the end of the 2024-25 school year, the school hopes that 70% of its graduating cohort will meet criteria for being college and career ready, and the graduation rate will rise from 78.1% to 85%.
In other news
Several students from different schools were recognized for their musical accomplishments.
A student from Wood Elementary was selected for the South Carolina Children’s Honor Choir, and Northside Middle School students were chosen for SC American Choral Directors Association. Several middle and high school students were recognized for becoming state region musicians.
The next school board meeting will be on Feb. 27 at 6 p.m. at the District Education Center, located at 3205 Platt Springs Rd. in West Columbia.
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