Quarantine kittens teach life’s toughest lesson

Beth Shealy
Posted 8/20/20

About 2 months ago, I brought home a scrawny stray cat that was hanging around my office.

Our 3 children immediately fell in love with it.

13-year-old John Thomas named her Charlotte.

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Quarantine kittens teach life’s toughest lesson


About 2 months ago, I brought home a scrawny stray cat that was hanging around my office.

Our 3 children immediately fell in love with it.

13-year-old John Thomas named her Charlotte.

It took 3 weeks to get Charlotte to the vet because she kept wandering off.

Over those few weeks, Charlotte’s belly grew.

One ultrasound later, we learned Charlotte was going to have kittens.

John Thomas asked for Charlotte to stay in his room until the kittens were born.

Charlotte appeared to love his room and its sunny window.

We set up several boxes in which Charlotte could deliver her kittens.

The next few weeks brought opportunities to discuss the birds and the bees with our children.

On August 12 at 4 am, John Thomas awakened us.

“There are kittens in my bed,” he said

My husband and I ran to his room.

Sure enough, Charlotte had delivered 4 kittens on John Thomas’s bed.

We got to watch Charlotte deliver kitten #5.

A few hours later, Charlotte delivered kitten #6.

Charlotte growled as she cleaned her newest kitten … but this one was not moving.

John Thomas asked if we could bury it.

My daughter Hannah offered a stone she painted as the kitten’s grave marker.

Despite their sadness, our children made grown-up decisions about the kitten.

I appreciate the opportunity Charlotte has given for us to teach our children about life and death.

Friends have offered to adopt 2 kittens. We need homes for 3 others.

If you are interested, contact us at 803-622-1863.


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