Students aid tornado ravaged school

Val & Wayne Augustine Photograph Image/jpg Gilbert Middle School Students Are On A Mission To Help The Students Of North Central High School. Last Week North Central In Kershaw Cou
Posted 1/23/20

Around gilbert & summit

Gilbert Middle School students are on a mission to help the students of North Central High School. Last week North Central in Kershaw County was …

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Students aid tornado ravaged school


Around gilbert & summit

Gilbert Middle School students are on a mission to help the students of North Central High School. Last week North Central in Kershaw County was hit by a tornado, which destroyed most of the school.

North Central students now need school supplies, so GMS has collection bins for supplies located by the front entrance of the school. Items needed include pencils, notebooks, markers, scissors, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, copy paper, calculators, Ziplock bags, index cards, notebook paper, sharpeners, and highlighters. For more information, call 821-1700.

Gilbert-Summit Senior Center members have had a busy January. Last week they attended the Palmetto Senior Show at the SC State Fair Grounds, visited Generations and had lunch at Shealy’s in Bates-burg. J.R. Fennell will visit this week and talk about the old Lutheran Seminary. Several members are going to Mission Lexington and others will be learning to make winter crafts.

GSSC members will close out January with Megan Shahoud from Agape Hospice, and Lisa Price who will talk about Ageless Grace Brain Health. Each day there are activities, games and crafts for the members to enjoy. Director Donna Neel invites seniors age 60 and above to join them. For information, call 892-5745.

Prior to Christmas, several painted rocks with Christmas themes were hidden in our Gilbert Community Park. Children and adults found many of these rocks and posted pictures of them in the Gilbert Rocks Facebook page. There are also other hidden painted rocks to be found. Many of the rocks have cheerful messages and some have pictures painted on them. Happy rock hunting to everyone who visits the park.

the Gilbert-Summit Branch Library held its annual Martin Luther King Day of Service. Students in 4th through 12th grades became involved in our community with hands on projects and volunteering at the library in honor of MLK Day.

Birthday wishes go to Brittany Judice, Deb Tanner, Cameron Rish, Reid Paxton, Jody Ricard, Troy Taylor, Sue Shealy, Durrell Barry, Larry Smith Sr., David Cook, Nick Babin, Cindy Hess, Tommy Kimble, Ruthie Taylor, and Haiden Allen.


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