Vroom! Vroom! They’re back

Daisy Harman 803-359-3848 Fax 803-359-2398
Posted 5/21/20

Sports fans hungry for action on the race track were treated Sunday the Real Heroes 400 on TV from the famed Darlington Raceway. It was the first NASCAR race since March because of covid-19. It was …

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Vroom! Vroom! They’re back


Sports fans hungry for action on the race track were treated Sunday the Real Heroes 400 on TV from the famed Darlington Raceway. It was the first NASCAR race since March because of covid-19. It was the first of 3 races in 4 days. With no spectators in the stands, it made for quite a different atmosphere. Even though fans were not there, they were present in spirit.

More than 200 checkered flags and 20 American flags were placed along the highway leading to the speedway. They served as a welcome back to Darlington and return to this favorite event. Gov. Henry McMaster sent a taped message of welcome and wishes that he and Peggy could be there.

THERE HAVE BEEN so many changes in our lifestyle since the pandemic hit in mid-March. Last Tuesday our Greater Lexington Chamber of Commerce held its first monthly meeting without members or breakfast, but by virtual means. Sponsored by Burr Foreman McNair, their message was “how pandemic has affected minds of your potential customers, their thoughts on travel, eating out, and overall concerns and more.” The basic overall thought is we have experienced change in every part of our life and we are living in unprecedented times.

Even though concerned about the unknown, it is encouraging that consumers seem to be embracing the new normal. They are confident about getting back to work and life with safe practices.

Chernoff Newman gave all important insights and data on this new lifestyle in which we are living.

It appears much travel will be within our state or country rather than abroad. This places change in our tourism industry. It was all a very informative program.

AS OF THIS week, Governor McMaster has lifted new restrictions and men can now get that much-needed haircut. Much to their delight, ladies can now visit their hair and nail salons. That is a happy moment!

As we say, we are living in a new normal.

ST. STEPHENS CHURCH has been named Mission Lexington’s Church of the Month led by Ronald Redd. They reached a remarkable milestone by donating 100,845 lbs. of food since February 2011. Their 2019 donations totaled 11, 297 lbs.

Treasurer Nate Gibson is Board Member of the Month. He is Executive Director for Emmaus Church in Columbia. He also served as 2020 Chairman of Lexington’s Race Against Hunger, a 5K, 10K and 1-Mile Fun Run that benefits Mission Lexington’s food pantry.

Donna Dell is Volunteer of the Month. She has volunteered since 2010 and has served in the food pantry, social services and on the mobile food pantry.

“We are blessed to have such amazing supporters of Mission Lexington”, said Robin W. Bowers, Executive Director of Mission Lexington. “The time and talent that is poured into our organization by the churches and individuals impacts our organization in so many unique ways.”

OPENING DAY FOR the Town of Lexington’s Market at the Icehouse was Saturday, May 9. Extra precautions were taken to ensure the safety of everyone. The market will be open each Saturday through September, with the exception of July 4 at 107 West Main Street.

Kid’s Day and the Wine Walk have both been cancelled and refunds will be issued on any tickets already purchased.

CONGRATULATIONS TO WILLIAM and Kelsey Lynch on the arrival of a baby girl, Taylor Grace, born May 12 weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. and 21½ inches long. The family is at home in Chapin and all is going well.

Anne Bull sends an observation: As businesses opened last week, Lexington seems to be humming again.

We hope everyone enjoyed the lighter traffic during the quarantine and a respite from the go go go society we live in now.

A few words of caution: Roads leading to hair and nail salons will be busy.

Do not get in their way!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JoDee Douda, Ron Kruithoff, “Chick” Roof, Seth Dunnagan, Kelly Holliday, Jeanette Altemose, Kori Lorick, Janet Wiman, Rose Wilkins, Mark Romano, Johnny Clemens, Todd Catalanotto, Keith Rawl, Megan Griffin, Stacey Summerall, Alexis Wack, Manning Burgess, Marty Nantz, Erin Taylor, Carolyn Arant, Myrna Black, Landon Cegelis, Sarah Cooper, Thomas Cox, Bryan Hudson, Adam Mintz, Jaime Wessinger.


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